Life Transitions: what to expect and 4 tools to stay sane when everything feels uncertain

Life Transitions: what to expect and 4 tools to stay sane when everything feels uncertain

Have you ever felt thrust - willingly or unwillingly - into change? Or experienced periods of time where whatever you thought you were certain of gets shaken up and change becomes the only constant?

As a Life Coach and free-spirit-that-likes-to-shake-things-up but also craves-stability-and-enjoys-a-general-plan, I’ve discovered a few things to be true about all transitions and share 4 powerful tools to survive - and dare I say, thrive - in these moments of uncertainty and sometimes downright terror (and remember, we’ve all been there).

What I know to be true about transitional moments in life:

First, in transition there is always a period of CONTRACTION. Contraction can be very uncomfortable. It might be that moment where you realize… F***… I’ve gotta shake some things up. Something’s not working. Or it might a moment where the rug has been pulled out from underneath you. The stability you trusted in is no longer trustworthy. Time might stop - you’re forced to stand still. You can’t move forward because you don't know where forward is. This time is usually riddled with uncertainty.

Second, what comes next is always EXPANSION. It might not happen over night, it might feel like that dark place of contraction is lasting foreverrrr, and it might really really suck. But expansion will always happen. Always.

Third, that expansion will happen a hell of a lot faster and a hell of a lot more positive and aligned if you are WORKING ON YOURSELF through the process.

How to Stay Sane and Survive When Everything Feels Scary and Uncertain

  1. Take care of your basic needs (duh, but you’d be surprised how often that gets forgotten).

  2. Get clear on what you want (this is the time to spin some positive changes!)

  3. Clean something (anything - make space, feel organized, infuse some loving care).

  4. Take time to breathe (enjoy the ride, and even if you want to tell me to F-off and shove my spiritual jargon down my throat, do it anyways. I promise it helps).

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A collection of personal stories, inspirations and musings. This is for people who want to build a life that feels inspiring, fulfilling and well-balanced. A life OnPurpose.
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Selena Maisonpierre